Announcing Windows 11 One Step at a Time

By | November 29, 2021
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Is it time to say goodbye to Windows 10, and hello to Windows 11?

Well, Windows 11 is finally here and “rolling out” to Windows 10 computers. You might already have it, be thinking about getting it, or worrying about it suddenly appearing on your computer!  

But don’t worry – we’re here to help.

Last week we took delivery of our brand new Windows 11 One Step at a Time and The Internet on Windows 11 books. You can click here to read more about the new Windows 11 books and order a free trial set. They’ll be popped in the post to you straightaway.

Do you use WhatsApp to keep in touch with friends and family? 

In case you’re not familiar with it, WhatsApp is a handy little messaging app that lets you send and receive text messages, photos, videos and more, all for free over an internet connection. You can send messages to individuals or groups – anyone with a mobile phone number who also has the app installed. I also tend to use it for free phone and video calls whilst I’m in the house and connected to wi-fi.

Something we get asked a lot at Helpful Books is whether you can use WhatsApp on a tablet (or another device) rather than a phone. I can see why you’d want to – typing messages is easier on a bigger keyboard, and video calls are better on a bigger screen.

The short answer is: yes, but I don’t recommend it. Here’s why…

A WhatsApp account is linked to your mobile phone number, so most people use it on their phones, and the app can access all your contacts saved on your sim card to let you send people messages. 

If you install WhatsApp on a tablet, it will ask you to enter your mobile phone number when you set it up. But because you’re only allowed to be logged in with one number on one device, you’ll immediately get logged out of WhatsApp on your phone. You’d then have to set it up again on your phone to use it there, at which point you’d be logged out on your tablet! The tablet version of the app really doesn’t work as well as the one for phones (notifications can be a bit hit-and-miss for example), so this is why I recommend just using it on your phone.

Take care

Julie Wakeling

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