Don’t dob me in, but I’ve been using child labour here…
Earlier in the week we had some pretty bad flooding near us (I hope it was all right where you are) and I couldn’t get Alastair to the bus in time for the day camp he was supposed to be going for the day. A shame as they had some fun things planned, but he’s had several days there, so at least he hasn’t completely missed out.
So I took him into work and he spent some of the time helping us get some envelopes stamped up and packed and then some time watching DangerMouse. Oh, and a bit of time eating one or two of the rather lovely chocolate biscuits that someone brought in.
We had a lot of envelopes to get ready for the new books, which are going like hot cakes so it was good timing to have a helping hand to make sure we could get all orders out the same day we got them, as we always aim to do.
The new Tablet Help is at Hand books are flying off the shelves – I suppose a lot of people find that sometimes things on their tablet don’t go as smoothly as they’re supposed to – things go wrong, don’t do quite what they’re supposed to or it just goes slower and slower.
If you haven’t ordered yours yet, why not have a look at the full information here to see if they’d be useful.
And if you have already ordered, apologies if the postage sticker is a bit wonky on your package. Alastair’s doing pretty well, but he’s still getting the hang of getting it completely straight.
Anyway, here’s the link again so you can find out about the new books: what’s covered, who they’re for and all that sort of thing.
So what if the sticker is a little wonky. Congratulations to Alastair for helping his Dad!!
Thanks! I must admit I was very proud seeing him there concentrating hard what he was doing while he helped.
Thanks, I already have my books “on appro ” and intend to purchase best wishes, Audrey Harland
Good to hear you’re happy with them – I hope they help!
Phoned BT on Thursday about a faulty Modem/router and its Tuseday afternoon before an engineer will come. Grrr. Used to be able to use BT Openzone but they’ve changed it to BTwiFi and I can’t get it any more. UUsed to use Openzone when away with the caravan or even at home if we had problems. GRRRR Sitting in a cafe drinking tea to use their internet!
Frustrating – I hope they at least managed to get it sorted out when they arrived!
Dear Tim
I shall no longer need Android help as I have just purchased a Lenovo laptop running Windows 10, the same as my Desktop. I also hve a smart mobile running Windows 8.1 which I hope to upgrade to Windows 10. I have been too busy looking after a sick wife to play the Windows 10 DVD’s which I purchased recently.
Kind regards