Christmas is very nearly here – but it’s going to be a bit of a strange one this year.
No nativity play at school, no carol singers, no visits to grandma for the boys and a much smaller affair all round. But by the wonders of modern technology, they still got to watch a panto at school last week! Alastair reckoned a “virtual panto” wasn’t quite as… well… panto-y – but it was pretty good all the same.
There are quite a few Christmas shows that have gone online this year if you want to try and bring a bit of the seasonal stage magic into your living room.
There’s Panto Live who have been performing Cinderella this year to a live online audience. The interactive shows have finished now, but you can still buy tickets to watch the recorded versions until the end of January. Tickets cost £19.97 and you can watch any of the shows as many times as you like.
The Royal Hippodrome Theatre are putting on Sleeping Beauty – this is a pre-recorded stage show that will be available to watch from today through to New Year’s Eve, with tickets £10 each.
Or if you’re looking for something a bit more up-market, the Old Vic are live streaming performances of A Christmas Carol all this week up to Christmas Eve. You can book tickets on their website here, with prices starting from £30.
But whatever you find yourself doing this year, I’d like to wish you a safe and happy Christmas from everyone here at Helpful Books. And here’s to a better year in 2021!