Last reminder before I stop wittering

By | July 10, 2014
This content is 11 years old. Please, read this page keeping its age in mind. Thank you.

You’ve probably seen my emails about the new books I’ve just published: Help Is At Hand Common & Frustrating Computer Problems Solved, Quickly & Easily.

In fact you might even be one of the many who have ordered them already!  (If so, I hope you’re finding them useful and interesting – the comments I’ve had back so far are really complementary!)

But in case you haven’t taken up your free trial yet, I wanted to give you one last chance.  You see, as of next week, they go on sale to the general public – and the free gift is sure to run out almost immediately.

We only have 413 left now, out of 999 – and once it’s generally announced I’ll be surprised if that lasts more than a day or two.

So if you haven’t taken up your free trial yet, have a look here, now:


Tim Wakeling


I’m planning to stop wittering on about these books once they’re available to the public, so if you haven’t had a look, best decide now: