Not just computers – now tablets and smartphones too…

By | May 22, 2015
This content is 10 years old. Please, read this page keeping its age in mind. Thank you.

The new book, “Tablet Help is at Hand” is proving popular – lot’s of people have got their copy and now know where to turn when something on their iPad, Kindle Fire or other tablet doesn’t do what it should (or does something it shouldn’t…)

We’ve also just got a new edition of a book I first wrote years ago – back then it was called “Computer Jargon into Plain English” but now it’s not just computers – it includes tablet and smartphone jargon, all explained nice and simply so if you run into any, you can easily check what it actually means.  You can order this one at the same time if you like – it’s on the order form and if you get it at the same time, you save having to pay any extra P&P.

You can read more about the “Tablet Help is at Hand” and (if you like) order a free trial copy of that (maybe with the Jargon Dictionary) here.

After all, nearly everyone who has a tablet will have problems with it at some point.  And it’s better to have the solution to hand before the problem happens, so you can just turn to the relevant page and follow the steps, rather than tearing your hair out when it does happen.

Here’s the link for more information again.

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