So why have I written this new book “Tablet Help is at Hand”?
Well, partly I’m a writer – it’s because that’s what I do – write books! But why this one in particular?
Well, I see it as the flip side of learning how to use a tablet like an iPad, Nexus, Samsung Tab, Hudl, or Kindle Fire. (Or any other of the many Android based tablets)
It’s one thing to know how to use it. But sometimes, things go wrong – it doesn’t do what it’s supposed to, it does something it’s not supposed to or it just freezes or starts working really slowly.
It happens to everyone, I think, sooner or later.
And it gets in the way of being able to do what you want to with your tablet. To say nothing of it driving you mad when it’s happening!
Often, the solutions are pretty straightforward – but only once someone’s told you what they are. They usually aren’t obvious, just straightforward once you know.
Is it something you’d find useful? Well, it depends – obviously it’s only useful if you have or are likely to get a tablet! But you can see the full details and decide for yourself here.
I have already asked for it to be sent or have I had a
senior moment ?
Don’t worry – my senior moment, not yours! Our email system can’t actually tell whether you’ve already got it and I usually remember to say something like “If you haven’t already ordered it” when I’m talking about a new book that some people have already got… but I just forgot to this time… Sorry!