Well, I talked last time about Windows 10 and since then I’ve been experimenting a bit more with it.
One of the things that’s really stood out is how much quicker it is to turn on than earlier versions. It sounds like a small matter but it can be really frustrating to turn your PC on and have to wait what seems like an age before you can use it.
But with Windows 10 it really does seem to be quick – a few seconds later it’s on and you’re underway.
It’s one of the smaller things I like about Windows 10 – more importantly I think the way it works is good. Much less confusing than Windows 8 / 8.1 was.
It’s not all beer and skittles, though. There are some bugs – and some of them are pretty shocking. But Microsoft are already on the case with fixing these, so in time they should be sorted. It all backs up my general advice of it’s best to wait a few months when a new version comes out, to let them fix the bugs.
Oh, and one question after last week’s email – I mentioned that whether you get the ability to play DVDs with Windows 10 when you upgrade from an earlier version depends on exactly which version you had before. But I didn’t say anything about Windows 8.1 (as opposed to Windows 8) – in fact exactly the same rules apply as with Windows 8 – if you have Media Center in Windows 8.1, you’ll be able to play DVDs, if you don’t, you won’t. But even then, you’ll still be able to download the free VLC player and then you will be able to play DVDs again.
King Harald and your iPad
I’ve mentioned “bluetooth” before in these emails – but it was a long time ago. And since then it’s become far more useful.
It’s a way of connecting devices that are close together without using a cable. I think last time I wrote about it I mentioned you can use it to connect a mobile phone to your car phone system. But you can also use it for lots of other things: connecting a keyboard to your iPad, connecting speakers to your smartphone or tablet… or evenc onnecting your phone to your computer.
Then you can play music that’s stored on your phone and have it come out of better speakers than your phone has. Or type on a proper keyboard on your ipad. Or get photos that you took with your phone onto your PC.
I’ve just bought some speakers of this type myself, so I can easily move the speakers and my phone about and listen to music whatever room I’m in.
I’m not going to go into detail about how you use it here (because there are so many things you can use it for it’d take all day to list them all!) but now at least you know it’s for connecting two devices together without any wires, if you hear people talk about it.
Oh, and it’s named after King Harald Bluetooth, King of Norway and Denmark. The logo for Bluetooth devices is even based on the runes for H and B.
Thank you Tim for the advise to wait a while before downloading Windows 10.
I have windows 8.1 at the moment and I keep getting a message to download 10. My worry was that I didn’t want to leave it too late and then couldn’t get it.
Many thanks
As long as you get it before June next year, you’ll be fine. I’d suggest waiting until maybe the end of this year/beginning of next year – by then the big issues should be fixed.
Hello Heather Kensall, I too was in doubt about Updating my Toshiba Laptop, But until recently the Upgrade has been great, Would you credit it, The opening screen, has gone and frozen on me, That is the small white arrow has stopped moving, I have tried everything I can think off, But makes no difference.
Can you help or is there anyone out there who can help me, Before I take it to my local Computer Repair Shop, Please.
Thank you.
Mrs Carolyn Hughes.
I find bluetooth very confusing – how do you get it? Is there something you have to buy? I have a TV, no radio because I am deaf, desktop computer, laptop, tablet but just a basic mobile ‘phone as I use this only for texting. Like WiFi, which I have, bluetooth would be handy for connecting say a proper keyboard to my tablet but how do I turn on bluetooth? I have never seen bluetooth explained properly anywhere.
I’ll try to fit in some more detail about it in a future newsletter – but if you have a tablet then it’s 99% certain that it’ll have bluetooth built in. Usually it’s in the options in the same place as the wifi settings and has a little rune symbol… but as I say, I’ll try to fit in a more detailed article about it…
One of the problems which many are experiencing with Windows 10 is the * Critical Error * Start Menu and Cortana aren’t working. which frequently comes up when switching on from cold. To avoid this I don’t switch on from cold. Instead of shutting down fully I use the hibernate option unless there is notification in the ‘Shut Down’ box telling me there are updates awaiting install. As far as I know no one has seen the ‘Start Menu/Cortana’ problem when waking up the thing from hibernate. Whether or not Microsoft will ever produce a ‘fix’ for this problem is anyone’s guess.
Hi Tim, my question has nothing to do with this article, which I did find interesting, but can you tell me if I am doing wrong by turning off my router when I go to bed, I have always turned off anything that doesn’t need to be kept plugged in over night, I happened to mention this to a friend, who told me I shouldn’t do that, is she right?
It’s not essential and I don’t bother to turn mine off, but it shouldn’t cause any problems. I once worked out how much electricity it used over a full year of being switched on and from memory it was one and a bit pounds, so you would only save half that by turning it off at night… and they usually use a lot of electricity when you first turn them on, so you might find it didn’t save any at all.
The only thing it could do is make your broadband company think you’re having problems (because the router seems to have disappeared) so they might slow the connection down – but if you’re not having problems with a slow internet connection, that probably isn’t happening.
Thanks for the information on bluetooth. I encountered it for the first time when my audiologist (I’m severely deaf) showed me how to connect my iPhone to my hearing aids using a bluetooth device called Phone Clip+. Now, for the first time, I can phone people instead of texting them – it’s changed my life!
Thanks for the comment! And this is one of the things I love about technology – it’s not the clever gadgets (or at least not mainly), it’s the way it can really make a difference to people’s lives. Whether it’s seeing photos or making video calls to family who live in a different country or examples like yours, what’s important is the way technology can make lives better.
Our daughter bought your books for Christmas, they are very helpful. I also find your news letters interesting.
I am 87.
Thanks Dennis Scott
Thanks! It’s always good to hear from people finding what we do helpful!
Tim Wakeling
I find your articles both interesting and helpful and awaiting delivery of your two for Android and I-pad
own a Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 tablet considering buying a I-Pad in the near future hence the request for both books
That makes sense – very sensible to research it before deciding for sure.
Hope you find the books helpful!
Only recently joined the group and find it very good.
I have a Mac pro and trying to get used to using it as its very different from my Windows computer and I am self taught novice.
I could do with a couple of reference books to help me.
What would you recommend for general use.
I know this doesn’t sound very helpful but I’ve never really come across a book about Macs that I’d recommend. There are the “For Dummies” series, but I’ve never been very impressed with them – I think they assume too much, don’t explain things clearly enough and don’t label the pictures of the screen properly. Sorry, I know that’s not very helpful, but I don’t want to recommend something I don’t really think is good enough!
On the other hand, Apple themselves do have a website that might be useful:
I’m not saying it’s all brilliant – Apple do tend to assume that their stuff is so easy to use you don’t need it explained, which clearly isn’t always true! But it might be a good place to start.
Hello Tim,
I am new to your newsletter and find it very interesting. My question is do I need an anti virus on my new tablet? Its called Portfolio from Pressplay Ltd, the reason I ask is, I downloaded AVG on my laptop after I had windows 10 installed and then I could not get on the internet, I took my laptop back to the computer shop that installed windows 10 for me, and was told the problem was, windows 10 has its own virus protection and the AVG I had downloaded was blocking the system !! The guy tried to uninstall AVG from my laptop but was unable to do so. I came home and I tried to uninstall it, it appears to have gone, but I still cannot get on internet. So, do I need to get an anti virus protection on the Portfolio tablet? I do not want to mess this new tablet up.
Hello and welcome! Glad you’re finding the emails interesting.
There’s quite a bit of debate about whether you need anti-virus on a tablet. As you might expect, the anti-virus companies say you should, butt it’s not so clear cut.
With most tablets (including yours), it should be extremely hard for a virus to get on your tablet as long as you don’t set it up to allow you to get apps from unofficial sources (and most people don’t know how, so are not likely to!), so in that way it’s not essential.
Most security apps do have other things included (eg a facility to help you find the tablet if you use it and to help make sure you don’t fall for con emails) but for most people I wouldn’t say it’s essential. As long as you don’t ever set it up (or let someone else set it up) to allow it to get apps from unofficial sources, then that keeps you pretty well protected. (You’ll notice I’m saying “pretty well” instead of completely – but you can never be completely protected, even with anti-virus software).
Hi Tim in 2016 you replied to alady with hearing probs,as does my wife.query related to an iphone
I have aSamsung J5 and wonder if your reply regarding Bluetooth Phoneclip + applies to my J5?
Finally ,as a ‘newbie’to a smartphone am I using up my PAYG allowance by reading your very helpful info?
Hi Tim
I have a chrome book and an iPad.
How can I transfer photos from my I pad onto the chrome book please.!!
Hi Bernard,
I’m really sorry we don’t have any books that cover Chrome Books but you might want to have a look at the Google photos App for iPads & Chrom Books.
Alternatively, you can type your question into Google (www.google.co.uk) and hopefully, that will direct you to a help page or website that will solve your problem.
Best Wishes
i turn of my hub at night as the light disturbs, not with regard to electic bill. is that ok
Hello Patricia
It won’t actually do your hub any harm for you to turn it off over night – but while it’s turned off it can’t get any updates, and you might end up with a less stable broadband speed that way. Generally, it’s a good idea to leave it turned on unless you’ve got a really reason not to.
Are the cables long enough to ide it behind something at night? Maybe behind a chair or a curtain so that the light doesn’t bother you so much?
Hope that helps
Good morning,
I have just purchased a refurbed computer and updated from Window 7 to Window 10.
You mentioned earlier on that windows 10 is so quick, virtually instant…. well mine take almost 5 minutes to boot up. Have I been sold a duff machine?
I am not very computer literate so I have no way of checking what is normal.
Can you please offer any advice?
Many thanks,