Windows 8 – What’s All the Fuss About?

By | July 15, 2012
This content is 13 years old. Please, read this page keeping its age in mind. Thank you.


Well, it’s a Sunday again so another quick newsletter.  But this time I planned in advance and have recorded a short video for you.

I’ve been tinkering with a trial version of of Windows 8, which is coming out in the Autumn.

It’s very different from previous versions of Windows – a much bigger change than before.

So I’ve made a short video to show you some of the biggest differences.  You can watch it here (just click on the link):


Paper books better than ebooks?

Oh, and while I was having lunch with Julie (my wife) and Claire (who helps produce the books) we were talking about ebooks… and started coming up with a list of why paper books are better – it got a bit carried away but I thought you might find it interesting:

What’s wrong with ebooks…

  1. You can’t put a ebook copy of War and Peace on your shelf to look intelligent.
  2. And you certainly can’t pretend to read it at the doctor’s waiting room (with the Beano inside).
  3. You can’t throw an ebook across the room when you’re annoyed with it.
  4. You can’t stick an ebook down the back of your trousers when you’re called to see the headmaster at school.
  5. You can’t stand on an ebook to reach a book on a high shelf (then again, you don’t need to…)
  6. Finishing schools can’t use them to balance on young ladies’ heads to make them learn to walk upright.
  7. And (as my wife just pointed out) if you run out of toilet paper you can’t… Actually I think I’ll stop there.

I’m not against ebooks, but I think paper books have a place too.  Of course, I suppose I would say that, being a book publisher…


Tim Wakeling